BCYC Immersion

A Catholic summer youth camp with over 20 academic tracks for a wide range of interests! Immerse yourself in the Catholic intellectual tradition.

Session 1: June 16-21, 2024

Session 2: July 7-12, 2024

BCYC Immersion is a Catholic summer academic camp for high school students hosted by Benedictine College, combining a pre-college program and a Catholic youth camp. Each participant chooses an area of interest which they pursue in classes throughout the week. The week also features numerous faith-based activities, including daily Mass and Bible Studies and is rounded out with tons of fun—dodgeball, an evening dance/social, scavenger hunts and ultimate Frisbee, all while students explore our beautiful campus in Atchison, Kansas.

A Benedictine College experience of community, faith and scholarship!

Two BCYC Immersion chemistry track students in lab coats analyzing test tube

Pursue Your Passion with Fellow Students.

Two BCYC Immersion engineering track students wiring a project

BCYC Immersion art track student  with charcoal still-life

BCYC benediction in the Abbey

Grow Closer to Christ with Prayer and the Sacraments.

BCYC men's bible study circle outside

BCYC participants listen to a presentation in Guadalupe Chapel

BCYC  participants playing pass-the-water game

Together, Have the Time of Your Lives!

BCYC participants playing a ball game

BCYC close up of two students in a game with inflatable bubble-soccer ball

“My favorite part about BCYC was adoration and the bonfire! I was thinking through things with the Lord, and he spoke to me in several ways, including through other people. I also thought the barn dance was a blast!” - 2023 Participant

What to Expect at BCYC Immersion

To Our Parents

We know that, as a parent, you are the primary educator and nurturer of your child. We want your teen’s life to be transformed in Christ. The parents of our participants notice many benefits of our conferences for their teens including:

  • Developing a sense of God in their daily life- Integrating prayer into their daily lives
  • More positive self-image
  • Greater sense of direction and purpose
  • More interest in their faith-life
  • Forming genuine friendships based on a common love of Christ

Your child will be under the care and guidance of our trained summer staff. This includes our Director of Youth Outreach, Chaplain, and a team of Benedictine College students who spend their summer on mission for our Lord. We want you to know that your child is in the best possible hands, and we know it is our duty and privilege to guide your teen as an individual this summer.

Safety and Supervision

Benedictine College’s campus is very safe. We are familiar with hosting teens on our campus through our many faith and sport-based conferences, and strive to make our campus a welcoming, safe community for all of our visitors. Every aspect of the campus in the summers is thought of with the visitor in mind specifically:

  • Our dorms are single sex. Men aren’t allowed in the women’s dorms and vice versa during the summer months. No one other than our Conferencing Staff, Summer Missionaries, and other authorized members of the college will be in the dorms during your teen’s stay.
  • Summer Missionaries stay in the residence Halls and serving as resident advisors.
  • All of our Summer Ministry Staff are Virtus trained and are up to date with the Archdiocese of Kansas City Kansas’ regulations on Safe Environment training for the protection of God’s children program.
  • Campus Security, Atchison Police, and the Atchison Fire Department all serve the campus community.